Big RWDSU Win for DHL Workers in Georgia

Workers at DHL in Union City, Georgia, overwhelmingly voted in favor of the RWDSU today, rejecting the company’s union busters and their lies and misinformation. The workers saw through the company’s anti-union campaign and are celebrating their huge victory as they have officially won their RWDSU union election.

The workers at the DHL International Shipping distribution center in Union City, Georgia, voted to join the RWDSU Southeast Council, the latest in a string of organizing victories for workers and the RWDSU in Georgia.

Workers at DHL joined the union for a number of reasons, including unfair scheduling and forced overtime, health and safety, and rampant favoritism. Most of all, they joined because of an astounding lack of respect by management. The workers today won a voice on the job, the right to negotiate a union guaranteed contract, and the respect they are entitled to.

The campaign wasn’t easy, as the company fought hard against the workers’ efforts to win their union voice. The workers, however, stood strong in the face of the anti-union campaign and the union-busting anti-worker “consultants” the company hired to misinform and intimidate them.

