NJ Nursing Home Workers Ratify Strong First Contract

When workers at Genesis Woodlands Center, a nursing home in Plainfield, New Jersey, joined RWDSU Local 108 last year, they wanted change, and most of all, respect.

“We knew we deserved better and decided that we needed change, representation, a voice on the job and job security,” said Marie Joseph, a Genesis Woodlands certified nursing assistant.

Now, with their first contract, they’ve gotten that voice on the job and more.

The contract – which was unanimously ratified – brings workers a 60 percent reduction on their health plan as well as annual wage increases. For the first time, Genesis workers will receive shift and weekend differentials, and four additional paid holidays.

The Genesis Woodlands facility is owned by Genesis Healthcare Inc. which operates over 500 skilled nursing facilities nationwide. Genesis Healthcare Inc. had an estimated revenue of $5.73 billion in 2016. The RWDSU/UFCW currently represents hundreds of Genesis Healthcare nursing home employees throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

