FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, June 3, 2024

CONTACT: Chelsea Connor | | 347-866-6259


Amid Increasing Retail Violence and Harassment Across New York State NY Retail Workers Win Significant Safety Measures in NY Assembly, Thanks to Retail Workers Union RWDSU and Bill Sponsor Assemblymember Karines Reyes

Growing Calls For Action Push New York Senate For Single Session Passage of Critical Workplace Safety Bill

(NEW YORK, NEW YORK) - Tonight, the New York Assembly passed the Retail Worker Safety Act A. 8947C. The Act requires corporate retail employers to adopt a violence prevention plan, train workers in de-escalation and active shooters and large employers must install panic buttons throughout the workplace. For the retail workers toiling on the front lines, retail violence is a growing workplace issue that must be addressed. More information about the Retail Worker Safety Act can be found at:

President Stuart Appelbaum and members of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) have championed this bill all over New York State since its introduction this session. The union brought together retail workers from Buffalo down to Long Island, holding rallies and press conferences in New York City, Albany and on Zoom, to urge the passage of this critical common sense safety bill with Assembly Bill Sponsor Assemblymember Karines Reyes. The bill now awaits passage in the New York Senate S. 8358B and is Sponsored and equally championed at joint rallies and press conferences by Senator Jessica Ramos.

“Today’s passage of the Retail Worker Safety Act in the New York Assembly is a critical step towards common sense safety measures for retail workers across New York. When the bill is signed into law, basic protections will be provided for both workers and customers. Throughout this campaign, we have heard deeply troubling workers’ stories from all over the state - stories of violent crimes, senseless shootings and harassment. Workers in retail stores in New York should never have to experience anything like this. One thing is for certain, however: employers can and should do more to protect their employees. That’s why we’re championing this critical law, which requires that retail employers take full responsibility to protect their workers from violence. Retail workers should not go to work every day in fear. Let’s tackle the issue of retail workplace safety and swiftly pass the Retail Worker Safety Act in the New York Senate now! Thank you to our Bill Sponsor Assemblymember Karines Reyes and all the Assembly co-sponsors for supporting this urgently needed retail worker protection law, and passing it today,” said Stuart Appelbaum, (He/Him) President of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU).

RWDSU President Stuart Appelbaum champions the Retail Worker Safety Act, surrounded by members and Retail Workers from across New York State on March 5, 2024 as part of the campaign to pass the act.


For the retail workers toiling on the front lines, retail violence is a growing workplace issue that must be addressed. For more information on the Retail Worker Safety Act, current bill sponsors and more, please visit: 

RWDSU conducted a survey of our members related to workplace violence and found the following:

  • Over 80% of respondents are worried about an active shooter coming into their workplace

  • Nearly ⅔ of respondents experienced verbal harassment or intimidating conduct from a customer, co-worker, or manager within the last year.

  • Only 7% of respondents agreed with the following statement: My employer has made changes in the workplace after a violent incident in order to make my work safer. 

  • Nearly ¾ of respondents would feel safer if they received regular training on how to be safe in the workplace, including understanding the risks, how to reduce those risks and what to do in the event violence occurs.

Based on these findings, as well as the reality of mass shootings in retail settings and the increase in daily violence, it is clear that we have reached a crisis point in this industry and it’s the time to act. 

The Retail Worker Safety Act provides a common sense solution based on extensive interviews with retail workers on the frontlines. The legislation states that employers have a positive obligation to create a safe work environment for retail workers. The Retail Worker Safety Act will require the NYS Department of Labor to create a model risk assessment and training program, focusing on de-escalation tactics and active shooter trainings. Employers with 10 or more workers will be required to adopt the model risk assessment or develop their own, and offer the worker safety trainings annually to their employees. Employers with 500 or more workers nationwide will be required to install panic buttons throughout the store, allowing workers a safe and effective method of calling for help. 


The Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) represents 100,000 members throughout the United States, including 10,000 in New Jersey. The RWDSU is affiliated with the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW). For more information, please visit our website at, Facebook:/RWDSU.UFCW Twitter:@RWDSU.

