GA Gov. Candidate Stacey Abrams Stands with RWDSU and Union Members

Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams delivers a personal message to RWDSU members in a new video released by her campaign. Abrams voices her support for the labor movement, and its importance in creating a better economy for all Georgians.

Early voting is open in Georgia through Friday, November 2. And Election Day is Tuesday November 6. If you need help getting to the polls, please call 888-730-5816.

RWDSU is also hosting a Tele-Town Hall with Stacey Abrams on Saturday, November 3rd at 7:00pm. All you need to do to particpate is call in at the number provided below.

Georgia members (along with friends and family) are invited to volunteer to get out the vote on Saturday November, 3rd. There are two events in both Atlanta and Columbus. If you are interested in attending, please call RWDSU Deputy Political Director Edgard Laborde at (917) 593-3838. Info for the events is below:

501 Pulliam St SW, 3rd Floor, Atlanta, GA
9:00AM - 1:30PM

502 1st Avenue, Columbus, GA
2:PM to 4:00PM

