Standing Up For Our Values in Atlanta

RWDSU delegates, alternates, and guests have come together in Atlanta, Georgia, ready to take part in the 23rd Quadrennial RWDSU Convention. They came from across the U.S. and across the world, as a larger number of international guests than ever before are joining the RWDSU, reflecting the increasing importance of relationships among global activists.

This past week hundreds of RWDSUers began arriving here in Atlanta and preparing for the convention, which begins this morning at 9 am. On Thursday, dozens of RWDSU volunteers helped assemble the delegate bags, including materials like the a political update, folder, RWDSU Constitution, and the red RWDSU hat that all attendees will wear for the panoramic convention photo this afternoon.

Volunteers also helped assemble the popular RWDSU goodies bags, which provide a real taste of what RWDSU members do across North America. From pepperoni to diced mangos, RWDSU members make it all.
As arriving members registered for the convention yesterday afternoon, the excitement built. It’s the only time every four years that we come together, to celebrate what we’ve done, set the course for the future, and stand four our values.

Read the full preview issue of the Daily Convention Report here

