Strong New Contract in Ohio for Fresh Mark Employees

RWDSU members at Fresh Mark in Massillon, Ohio, and at Fresh Mark cold storage ratified a new three-year contract that brings numerous improvements to 450 RWDSU members employed in food processing and cold storage there. The new agreement, which was overwhelmingly ratified, adds a fifth week of paid vacation, and also includes significant annual wage increases including six percent the first year.

Members with 10 years of service or more get vacation pay of 3 percent of their last year’s total earnings, marking a 50 percent increase over the previous benefit. Workers in progression went from five years to 18 months, which means they will earn Base Labor Wage much earlier. Maintenance workers will earn an additional 60 cents an hour with approved classes on top of their normal wage improvements. The contract also changes paychecks to weekly from bi-weekly, increases sick and accident benefits, increases the company’s 401K match, and increases the night shift differential from 25 cents all the way to $1.50 an hour.

Serving on the Negotiating Committee were James Danzy, Juan Moscoso, Kristina Hoffner, Andrew Borntrager, JP Munford, and RWDSU Representative Fred Jimenez. RWDSU members at Fresh Mark produce bacon, ham, dry sausage, hot dogs and lunch meats.

