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Press Release, Organizing Chelsea Connor Press Release, Organizing Chelsea Connor

When we talk about the difference having a union like RWDSU makes in a person’s life, our long-time members are the embodiment of what that difference can really mean. In the retail sector turnover is high at non-union stores, stores where workers are often overlooked. But in unionized stores like Macy’s, workers are the real magic of the store, they’re what keep customers coming back. And interacting with customers is often the best part of the job for workers too. That’s no more true than for RWDSU Local 1-S members like Ronald Jeffrey Gibbs, who’s been working at Macy’s Flagship in New York City’s Herald Square since 1972…

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Looking to organize a union at your workplace?

Organizing a union at your workplace means standing together to win a seat at the table at work. It means having a voice, and a way to say to your boss that the concerns of workers are every bit as important as the employer’s bottom line. Interested in getting started?