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Press Release, Organizing Chelsea Connor Press Release, Organizing Chelsea Connor

Big wage increases, benefits, and working condition improvements highlight the new contract for RWDSU members at SLS Car Wash in Bushwick in Brooklyn, New York. The new contract raises wages for car wash workers over $1.75 per hour, and brings important safety equipment such as an eye wash station and rubber boots and gloves…

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Statement Maria DiPasquale Statement Maria DiPasquale

“Car wash workers for years have struggled in New York to survive on sub-minimum wages. We applaud the Governor for taking today’s action. It will go a long way to remove one of the sources of wage theft that have been endemic in that industry,” said Stuart Appelbaum, President of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU).

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Press Release, Political Maria DiPasquale Press Release, Political Maria DiPasquale

Today, in a huge win for New York’s car wash workers and the culmination of their seven-year campaign for justice in the industry, the New York State Assembly passed A.6346-C. This comes just a day after the Senate passed S.4030-A. The new law would require car wash workers downstate for the first time to be paid the full minimum wage. The law is an important step towards ending the injustice of the tip-credit loophole which enables employers to deduct tips from workers’ wages and opens the door for unscrupulous employers to steal their wages. Now, car wash workers are urging the Governor to sign their bill into law quickly and finally put an end to their washed-out-wages.

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Press Release Maria DiPasquale Press Release Maria DiPasquale

Today, the New York State Senate passed S.4030-A, which will require car wash workers downstate for the first time to be paid the full minimum wage. This is a big step in correcting an injustice for workers and towards ending the tip-credit loophole – which enabled employers to deduct tips from workers wages. Now, car wash workers are urging the Assembly to pass their bill quickly to put an end to their washed-out-wages.

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Organizing a union at your workplace means standing together to win a seat at the table at work. It means having a voice, and a way to say to your boss that the concerns of workers are every bit as important as the employer’s bottom line. Interested in getting started?