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Press Release, Organizing Chelsea Connor Press Release, Organizing Chelsea Connor

A new three-year contract at Aperion Health Care in New Rochelle, Illinois, brings the Local 578 members there four percent annual wage increases and increases the starting minimum wage for new hires to $15 per hour. Two new paid holidays – members’ birthdays and a personal day - have been implemented. And there were numerous language improvements, including discrimination protection, reduced probation period from 90 to 60 days, Paid Time Off eligibility from the first year of employment, improvements in grievance procedure and funeral leave pay, higher uniform allowance and improved successorship language.

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Press Release, Organizing Chelsea Connor Press Release, Organizing Chelsea Connor

RWDSU Local 108 members, joined by officers of the New Jersey State AFL-CIO and officers and members of allied unions, held an informational picket on Saturday, July 24, to bring attention to stalled contract talks with Complete Care Management LLC. Complete Care is the new owner of Burlington Woods and Woodlands nursing home facilities where Local 108 members provide attentive and compassionate care for ill and aged residents.

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Press Release, Organizing Chelsea Connor Press Release, Organizing Chelsea Connor

While she’s older than almost all of the residents she cares for, 86-year old Edna DeGelleke, a Licensed Practical Nurse at Sodus Rehab Nursing Home in Sodus, New York, has no plans to retire.

“For me, giving patients love and affection is the greatest part of this job. It’s fulfilling taking care of people, and also helping keep residents connected with their families,” DeGelleke said.

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Today, the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) demanded that Genesis Healthcare provide safe staffing levels at Abington Manor to allow caregivers to give their residents the quality and continuity of care they deserve. Throughout six months of negotiations, workers have asked for higher staffing levels, an additional 15-minute break in their workday, and access to quality healthcare. At every turn, management has stonewalled the committee, refusing to bargain around improving working conditions that are well below the state and federal standards…

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Organizing a union at your workplace means standing together to win a seat at the table at work. It means having a voice, and a way to say to your boss that the concerns of workers are every bit as important as the employer’s bottom line. Interested in getting started?