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Press Release, Organizing Chelsea Connor Press Release, Organizing Chelsea Connor

Wage increases of up to $4.75, the addition of Good Friday as a paid holiday, and no continued health insurance at no additional cost are among the improvements won in a new three-year contract for Allegheny Regional Joint Board members employed by the Borough of Pennsylvania…

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Today, the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) demanded that Genesis Healthcare provide safe staffing levels at Abington Manor to allow caregivers to give their residents the quality and continuity of care they deserve. Throughout six months of negotiations, workers have asked for higher staffing levels, an additional 15-minute break in their workday, and access to quality healthcare. At every turn, management has stonewalled the committee, refusing to bargain around improving working conditions that are well below the state and federal standards…

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Press Release, Organizing Chelsea Connor Press Release, Organizing Chelsea Connor

The RWDSU membership at Bloomsburg Care & Rehabilitation Center in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania keeps growing, thanks to word of mouth and the hard work of RWDSU organizers. The maintenance unit at the facility joined RWDSU Local 262 in January, after seeing the difference union membership has made in the lives of the Certified Nursing Assistants there after they joined in 2019. Workers saw the difference the union made during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the RWDSU ensuring workers received hazard pay and proper PPE and bringing them a voice on the job. The maintenance workers saw the difference and wanted to become a part of the union.

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Press Release, Organizing Chelsea Connor Press Release, Organizing Chelsea Connor

After a long, difficult battle with management for their first union contract, RWDSU Local 262 members at Bloomsburg Care & Rehabilitation Center in Pennsylvania have won numerous improvements.

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Organizing a union at your workplace means standing together to win a seat at the table at work. It means having a voice, and a way to say to your boss that the concerns of workers are every bit as important as the employer’s bottom line. Interested in getting started?