News & Updates from across the RWDSU…

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Press Release, Organizing, Column Chelsea Connor Press Release, Organizing, Column Chelsea Connor

Warehouse workers are the backbone of the modern ecommerce economy, yet regulations protecting workers and communities affected by this new industry have lagged far behind its rapid growth. When New York’s warehouse and distribution center workers leave for work every day, they face a job that sees them three times more likely than the average private industry worker to suffer an injury or illness. That’s why New York needs to pass the Warehouse Worker Protection Act (WWPA – A10020/S8922), which helps protect workers from inhumane quotas at companies such as Amazon.

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Press Release, Organizing, Column Chelsea Connor Press Release, Organizing, Column Chelsea Connor

Workers at the REI outdoor sports retail store in Soho have joined the RWDSU, becoming part of a national movement of workers standing up for themselves and demanding a voice at work. Starbucks employees, workers in the tech, new media, and video game industries, and employees at Amazon facilities—all are seizing this moment to improve their jobs and their lives through union membership. Last fall, we saw the “Striketober” wave, where more than 100,000 American workers participated in or prepared for strikes as workers’ leverage increased during the ongoing pandemic…

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Press Release, Organizing, Column Chelsea Connor Press Release, Organizing, Column Chelsea Connor

A business’s viability must not depend on the legally allowed exploitation of people which had originally been based on the color of their skin. That is morally indefensible. This is why New York needs to correct the glaring injustice in New York’s agriculture industry where farmworkers are denied overtime pay after 40 hours…

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Press Release, Organizing, Column Chelsea Connor Press Release, Organizing, Column Chelsea Connor

In June, as COVID infection rates, hospitalizations and deaths in New York hit new lows and vaccination rates rose above 70%, what had appeared to be a light at the end of the tunnel blossomed into a sunny summer day. Nearly all remaining restrictions on businesses and social gatherings were eliminated, and sights we hadn’t seen since early last year––crowded restaurants, full bars, and sold-out full-capacity concerts and sporting events at arenas––once again became commonplace in New York.

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Looking to organize a union at your workplace?

Organizing a union at your workplace means standing together to win a seat at the table at work. It means having a voice, and a way to say to your boss that the concerns of workers are every bit as important as the employer’s bottom line. Interested in getting started?