News & Updates from across the RWDSU…

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Press Release, Organizing, Column Chelsea Connor Press Release, Organizing, Column Chelsea Connor

In the Big Apple, it’s still often legal to discriminate against people due to their weight or their height. That’s why the RWDSU, and a coalition of community and advocacy groups, is supporting an amendment to New York City’s administrative code that would ban New Yorkers from discrimination based upon height and weight…

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Press Release, Organizing, Column Chelsea Connor Press Release, Organizing, Column Chelsea Connor

If you want to take part in the new adult use cannabis industry in New York, you will need a labor peace agreement (LPA), and you need to start getting your LPA in order today. If you don’t take care of this now, you’ll regret it; prospective operators who fail to have their paperwork in order will miss out on the first set of licenses.

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Press Release, Organizing, Column Chelsea Connor Press Release, Organizing, Column Chelsea Connor

New York’s farmworkers work as hard – or harder – than most New Yorkers, yet they are not entitled to overtime pay after 40 hours worked. This injustice needs to end now – farmworkers deserve the same dignity and respect on the job as other workers in the state, most of whom are already entitled to a 40-hour workweek…

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Press Release, Organizing, Column Chelsea Connor Press Release, Organizing, Column Chelsea Connor

More people are shopping online, buying everything from toothpaste and tissues to desks and dining tables. As a result, warehouse facilities are popping up across New York at staggering numbers; Amazon alone has opened nearly 70 facilities in the state and over half of those facilities have been built since January 2021…

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Looking to organize a union at your workplace?

Organizing a union at your workplace means standing together to win a seat at the table at work. It means having a voice, and a way to say to your boss that the concerns of workers are every bit as important as the employer’s bottom line. Interested in getting started?