Contact: Chelsea Connor | | 347-866-6259

America's Top Unions Demand Amazon Do Better

Dear Jeff Bezos and Amazon Executives:

We write to you today shocked at reports that Amazon warehouses are not practicing the protocols
necessary to protect the well-being of your workers and of the public.

And we are outraged to hear that not only did Amazon executives NOT promptly address the concerns
being articulated by your own workers, but you actually fired one of the lead whistleblowers immediately
following his courageous action Monday. We call for the swift reinstatement of Chris Smalls to reassure
all workers and observers that speaking out about improvements needed to health and safety practices
right now is not only tolerated, but WELCOMED as critically important to all of our well-being.

You claim to have adopted a number of practices to sanitize worksites and protect workers. But a
compelling number of workers have come forward - and even run the incredible personal risk of walking
off the job - to report that the actual situation in warehouses does not match Amazon’s public relations
statements. They report that the circumstances of their work make it impossible to comply with public
health protocols - reporting crowded spaces, a required rate of work that does not allow for proper
sanitizing of work spaces, and empty containers meant to hold sanitizing wipes. Your workers deserve
to have full protections and to be confident that they are not carrying COVID-19 home to their families.
And the safety of your workers also impacts the safety of everyone who touches or receives packages
once they leave your warehouses.

We write in support of your own workers calling for you to CLOSE Amazon warehouses until you put
into place real solutions - with independent monitors - to protect your workers and the public in this
moment of public health crisis.

We support workers who are calling for warehouse closures with full pay for all workers who
depend on those warehouses for their income, until you put into place the following protocols:

  • Independent health and safety inspection and ongoing monitoring to ensure compliance
    with CDC and other governing health guidelines.

  • 100% pay for all employees during sanitation closures.

  • Cancel all rate and productivity requirements which limit employee time for proper
    sanitation, including “Time Off Task” for all workers.

  • Stricter protocols for six foot distancing measures.

  • Cover childcare expenses for employees given district wide school closures.

  • Full pay for all workers who cannot return to work because of their own or family member illness
    or out of need to self-quarantine - for themselves or loved ones.

  • Retroactive pay for workers who have needed to take unpaid time off over the past month due
    to COVID-19 and its effects on our communities.

  • Issue a public statement of improved protocols - for the safety of your workers and the


Rich Trumka on behalf of the AFL-CIO

Stuart Appelbaum on behalf of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union

Lee Saunders on behalf of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal

Marc Perrone on behalf of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union

Randi Weingarten on behalf of the American Federation of Teachers

Mary Kay Henry on behalf of the Service Employees International Union

James Hoffa on behalf of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Amazon Employees for Climate Justice



NYC Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer
NYC Council Speaker Corey Johnson
NYC Council Finance Chair Daniel Dromm
NYC Council Labor Chair Daneek Miller
NYC Council Member Adrienne Adams
NYC Council Member Diana Ayala
NYS Senate Deputy Majority Leader Michael Gianaris
NYS Senate Labor Chair Jessica Ramos
NYS Senator David Carlucci
NYS Senator Brad Hoylman
NYS Senator Gustavo RiveraNYS Assembly Assistant Speaker Félix W. Ortiz
NYS Assembly Member Robert Carroll
NYS Assembly Member William Colton
NYS Assembly Member Catalina Cruz
NYS Assembly Member Nathalia Fernandez
NYS Assembly Member Ron Kim
NYS Assembly Member Latoya Joyner
NYS Assembly Member Daniel O’Donnell
NYS Assembly Member Robert Rodriguez
NYS Assembly Member Linda Rosenthal
NYS Assembly Member Nily Rozic
NYS Assembly Member Aravella SimotasNYC Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer
NYC Council Speaker Corey Johnson
NYC Council Finance Chair Daniel Dromm
NYC Council Labor Chair Daneek Miller
NYC Council Member Adrienne Adams
NYC Council Member Diana Ayala
NYS Senate Deputy Majority Leader Michael Gianaris
NYS Senate Labor Chair Jessica Ramos
NYS Senator David Carlucci
NYS Senator Brad Hoylman
NYS Senator Gustavo Rivera 

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 The Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) represents 100,000 members throughout the United States. The RWDSU is affiliated with the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW). For more information, please visit our website at, Facebook:/RWDSU.UFCW Twitter:@RWDSU.

